Nothing yet.
- Bulk-Synchronous Communication Mechanisms in Diderot
John Reppy and Lamont Samuels
Unpublished paper accompanying a presentation at CPC 2015, January 7–9, 2015, London, UK.
- EIN Notation in Diderot
Charisee Chiw
Masters Paper, Department of Computer Science, University of Chicago, April 2014 - Strand Communication in Diderot
Lamont Samuels
Masters Paper, Department of Computer Science, University of Chicago, April 2013 - Diderot: A Parallel DSL for Image Analysis and Visualization
Charisee Chiw, Gordon Kindlmann, John Reppy, Lamont Samuels, and Nick Seltzer
PLDI '12, June 11–16, Beijing, China.
Note that authors are listed in alphabetical order.
- Portable parallelism in Diderot, talk given at 2nd HIPERFIT Workshop --- Copenhagen, Denmark, December 2, 2011.
- Diderot: A parallel domain-specific language for image analysis and visualization, talk given at AMD Fusion Developer Summit, June 2011.
- Diderot: A parallel domain-specific language for image analysis, talk given at Microsoft Research --- Cambridge, September 6, 2010.